Wednesday, 2 February 2011

New Commenting System and about this Michael Mann blog

Hey everyone ... this is a note to say that I am changing the commenting system for this Michael Mann blog from Intense Debate to Disqus. I am hoping it will enable a more organic way of sharing great Michael Mann related information. So dive in, and keep sharing some of your own top links to anything new. I hope the change isn't an inconvenience for anyone. Feel free to let me know what you think of it.

Whilst talking about this blog, my plan is to continue providing both up to date and backdated information on Michael Mann. I do my best to respect copyright, as well as enter into the freedom of information sharing the internet offers. I try to balance the two, which is why I don't quote entire articles - mainly excerpts with links to the actual article. The downside of this is that sometimes great links become dud. So apologies if you come across these. It's always sad when a great YouTube clip suddenly disappears.

Finally, a word about privacy. I was amused by a recent YouTube video clip of Dustin Hoffman who was being followed and filmed by some guys with a camera. The camera person shouted to Hoffman as he climbed into his Prius, "What do you hope to accomplish in 2011?" Dustin muttered back "privacy". It was a great response. For the irony, I include the clip below. If you don't know, Hoffman is in Michael Mann's forthcoming TV series "Luck". But on this note on privacy, I do want to state that I have no interest in getting into the domesticity of Michael Mann or the extraordinary talents he employs. I am simply fascinated with the technical and emotional processes undertaken, what makes Mann who he is, what drives Michael Mann to create what he creates, and the mechanisms and people used to achieve this. Nearly all of this is revealed in his extensive interviews and more importantly, in Mann films and TV work. I am not interested in delving unreasonably into his personal life, which is well documented as being fiercely protected. But anything movie related is fair game and behind the scenes exclusives would mean a rush for those of us who so anticipate his work. Such pre-release insights are uncommon, as most professionals and extras no doubt don't want to jeopardize future employment. But I hope those of you out there, including celebrity readers,  that have some great anecdotes, images or footage of Michael Mann at work would contact me and allow them to be shared on this site. I like to think I can be trusted with confidential off the record statements and sources ... I said that because it sounds exciting ... The truth is, I know I will just continue internet crawling for scraps!