Sunday, 13 February 2011

Launch of this blog's new Michael Mann social network

Check out my new Michael Mann social network!

I must be mad. Trying to start a spanking new social network for Michael Mann fans. So why do it? Put simply, I just love hearing all the latest news on Michael Mann and sharing it. It's exciting. I also enjoy reading what everyone else has to say about it too. So I thought, why not let everyone share what they want about Michael Mann in one place, so that we don't all have to cross link, cross post and then search the vast internet to then find it, only to forget where we read it afterwards.

Nope, this social site could be the answer to all our Michael Mann curiosities. This is somewhere for all the Michael Mann fans to keep each other updated on the very latest on what they have read, written, seen and experienced. In one place, where like minded people will love your posts and find it easily.

So, you have another blog or website? Why not just copy some of your best info to the social site, and use your profile to backlink back to your site?

I am just a lone fan doing this, so bear with me while I fill it out with new content. This is where I need you guys! I need to get a certain number of members to see that this is worth my while financing (it costs to run this network), so if you are interested, don't hesitate.

Join now and upload something you want to share (this new site is a team effort!) something that is special to you. Tell us why it is special. I am interested! Is it the directing, the acting, the music, the cinematography, the writing... ?

I am really looking forward to seeing you appear on the member listings and reading your posts (you can upload video, pictures, add a blog and more).

Remember ... to keep this new site viable, I need as many Michael Mann fans as possible! My blog will continue right here. See you over at