Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Nike Leave Nothing Commercial

Here is a great commercial Michael Mann did for Nike some time ago, called Leave Nothing. It is very original and yet still expresses some of Michael Mann's desire to render the inside nature of "life", which in this case is sport. "American" football (I am British) is played in all weathers and this is perfectly portrayed in the commercial. This fighting against the elements is symbolic of most competitive sports - it is a mental battle as well as physical. Anybody who does running or walking will know what it is to fight against the weather, to not let it succeed in beating you down. Playing in competitive sport is like that - you cannot let your opponents mentally break you down. You stick your head down and drive through both rain, snow, wind and men! And come out victorious! Anyway, that is my interpretation! Here it is, with apt soundtrack inspiration from The Last of the Mohicans (the original version of which you can hear here):

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